Stop making weight loss your number 1 priority in 2021! Make health & wellness your priority, and when you do that, your body will change if needed, too.
Truth is that people who make weight loss their number one priority, almost entirely regain it back ( 90% + within 1 year). When they decide to lose weight just to lose weight, majority of them starts to obsess with exercise or go on diets that restrict not only their calories, but first and foremost their nutrients. The exercise and diet programs are often unsustainable, unrealistic and unhealthy. Their mental wellbeing also takes a toll because sometimes their mood depends on their new new compulsion of weight loss, and can lead to depression, anorexia, bulimia, exercise bulimia or simply unhealthy preoccupation with their body. This is not a way to live. Instead of enjoying your wellness journey, there is so much preoccupation with weight loss and looking good on the outside instead of on the inside and focusing on health and metabolic fitness. Skinny body might be a sick body deprived of nutrients. A muscle head can have, well - big muscles- but screwed up kidneys. Is this a healthy mindset? HEALTHY MINDSET is where you make diet and exercise your priority for health's sake and not for weight loss's sake. It is when you engage in healthy behaviors for the same reasons you brush your teeth — because it's good for you and prevents long-term disease — rather than trying to punish yourself into a smaller body. Healthy mindset is one of the hardest things to develop because it does not produce immediate results. You can't see it. You can't weigh it. You have to wait for the results, and people tend to go for immediate gratification. Not too many people think of how what they are doing will effect last 10 years of their lives. There are so many people making weight loss their New Year's resolutions, and 80% of them will last less than couple months in their unrealistic plans. If you are interested in a 52-week long challenge that will result in healthier body & skin, but will start with the inside, sign up at Comments are closed.