We are a team of women who aspire to help other women take care of their skin by inspiring a holistic approach as well as changing the way women look at and shop for skincare. We ae a team of fitness trainers and health coaches who have made Dermattude - healthy skin attitude - a part of their lifestyle. Dermattude works with skincare lab and skincare specialists who develop our luxury spa products made with only finest healthy and scientifically based anti-aging ingredients, but we are more than just a skincare company. Our focus is anti-aging and skincare is only a part of the puzzle, yet so often misunderstood, misused and forgotten about, that we have decided to raise awareness about it, and promote it in different than our competitors manner . Unlike our competitors, instead of often misleading commercials and ads, we are here to set right expectations from skincare by empowering women in knowledge. We are here to tell you the truth and that facial aging is much more than skin deep and that no skincare will ever make you look decades younger. Instead, we will give you the tools to your healthiest possible skin with transparency and integrity. Our products will provide you with all the nutrients and actives your skin needs on the surface, but if you would like to optimize it, we will also encourage you and show you how to adopt a holistic approach to caring for your skin. Truth is that our skin, just like our body, ages from both the inside and the outside. It is thus important to not only nourish it on the outside with healthy skincare, but also healthy foods on the inside. Diet is very important to not only the health of our body, but also the health of the skin. Other habits, such as drinking enough fluids, getting enough sleep as well as exercise, and being able to deal with stress well, are also crucial in a holistic approach. And when you use this approach to take care of your skin, your body will thank you for it, too as the two are interrelated. If you already take good care of your body, and are mindful about your diet, we want to urge you to be mindful about the ingredients in skincare, too. Just like there should be no place for "empty calories" and pesticides in our food, there should be also no place for useless fillers and toxins in our skincare. Toxic skincare and beauty products, just like toxic food, can permeate skin and circulate in our endocrine, reproductive or nervous system. Moreover, skincare can stay in your body longer. We want women to be aware of that. Toxins is what ages us and makes us sick. Ironically, most women rub them daily into their skin. It is hard to prove the effects of toxins as it takes many years before someone gets sick and won't know from what, but why adding to the already polluted environment and accelerating the degradation of our bodies, especially since there are not only healthier but also more effective options, and at lower prices, such as Dermattude. Because we want as many women as possible to have Dermattude, we have double-sized it. Our difference is not only in quality, but also quantity. Instead of 1, our products last 2-4 months. Additionally, we also have ways to earn free products and will reward you for being an ambassador of our brand. If you are interested, email us a request to send you information on how to become one. If you, like us, like to make educated decisions about skin care, and believe that knowledge is power and that it can not only result in healthier looking skin, but also often save frustrations and money, we would love to welcome you to help us spread our message on to others. We are more than skincare. We aspire to inspire women to have a healthy lifestyle. Our consultants and ambassadors are often health conscious, or even health and wellness coaches or fitness trainers who have adopted dermattude and healthy skin attitude as well. They understand the importance of healthy lifestyle, but that lifestyle now includes taking care of their skin as well. Skin is our largest organ and a reflection to what happens on the inside of our body. It should never be neglected. Skin care is an act of self care and we believe that mindful acts of self-care can have a great effect on not only how we look, but also how well we feel in our skin. Mindful self-care is an act of self-love, and self-love leads to confidence. There is nothing more attractive than a confident woman who loves herself and feels good in her skin no matter what her age. Next time you shop for skincare, we hope you will remember that. We are more than skincare. We are Dermattude - healthy skin attitude! We are a community of women who love themselves and how they feel in their skin. Join us ! |